Meet the Calathea, who you might mistake for the Marantaceae (Prayer Plant), the major difference being that the Calathea doesn’t practice nyctinasty. No, that’s not a Dungeons & Dragons term, it’s the term used to describe a plant’s response at nighttime when its leaves fold up. Originating from Central and South America, they’re also commonly found in Africa and Asia. Calatheas are beautiful foliage plants with really distinct visual features (colours, patterns, vibrant ribs and pleated leaves) on their large, oval-shaped green leaves – the Mona Lisa of plants. Slow-growing, there are around 200-300 different species of the Calathea that can grow up to 3 feet, which makes it a lovely choice for floor plants, low plant stands or tabletops.
Calathea Types
Calathea 'Beauty Star'
Calathea Roseopicta 'Corona'Calathea Roseopicta 'Dottie'
Calathea 'Freddie'
Calathea Lancifolia 'Rattlesnake'
Calathea Rufibarba 'Velvet'
Calathea 'Misto'
Calathea Makoyana