Hoya Kerrii (Double Heart)

Small Pots

For two decades plus change, the humble plant pot has undergone a metamorphosis in our hands. Behold, the latest offspring: a terracotta Taj Mahal, complete with minarets for trailing vines. Next up, the brutalist concrete cube, perfect for that spider plant with nihilistic tendencies. And who could forget the whimsical upside-down chimney pot?

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Dyad Porcelain Modern Indoor Plant Pot With Saucer
From $12.96 $15.25
Black Blue Grey Light Grey Peacock Green White Soft Pink Olive + 4 more
Liberte Porcelain Pot And Saucer Set With Drainage
From $14.95
Black Owls Black Stars Blue Birds Blue Feathers Blue Leaves Blue Swallows Green Flowers Green Garden 3 Green Leaves 3 Green Leaves 4 Grey Forest Red Birds Red Flowers Red Roses Red Squirrels Turtles Yellow Flowers Red Diamonds Red Stars + 16 more

1 review
Minute Ceramic Pot And Saucer Set With Drainage
From $14.95
Blue Aqua Blue Green Layers Blue Layers Boombastic Bronze Speckles Bronze White Burgundy Cobalt Blue Cosmos Green-Blue Green Cement Green Layers Ivory Speckles Matte Green Mocha Cement Terracotta + 13 more