English Garden Curated Collection
The English Garden Collection emerged the way most pretentious things do - through obsessive perfectionism and a dash of superiority complex. Nineteen ceramic flowers, each one vetted more thoroughly than a Supreme Court nominee, stand ready to validate your social status. The kind of flowers that would make your grandmother's prize-winning dahlias pack up and move to a retirement home in shame.

France Curated Collection
In a cramped office nestled somewhere between pretension and pure dedication to craft, color zealots wage daily battles over the precise naming of shades. The current record stands firmly at 264 distinct greens, though Brian from accounting tried sneaking in "spaceman green" as number 265 – a valiant but ultimately misguided attempt that was met with the collective eye-rolling of the entire design department.The France Collection emerged during one of those fever-dream moments that only happen when an entire creative studio simultaneously loses its mind in the most productive way possible. Every computer screen in the building was transformed into a rotating gallery of French Renaissance masterpieces, as if somehow osmosis would seep through the pixels and transform everyone into the reincarnation of François Boucher.