Fittonia - Chive Plant Studio
All you need to know about

How to care
for your Fittonia



Fittonias, also known as the Nerve Plant, Mosaic Plant or Net Plant, are a genus of flowering plants in the Acanthaceae family native to the tropical rainforests of South America. A low-growing evergeen creeper, Fittonias can reach a height of 3 to 6 inches and spread across 12 to 18 inches, making these non-creepy, creepers an excellent house plant for small homes and terrariums. Did we mention they’re super vascular, bro? Their show-y foliage veins come in a number of different colours depending on the varietal, which is why these plants often receive top-billing in a terrarium. If he conditions are right, Fittonias will flower and bare its flower-y teeth with reddish or yellowish-white spikes – but it’s rare for that to happen. They’re a bit temperamental, but certainly worth the effort.

Begonia Family

Fittonia ‘Fortissimo’
Fittonia verschaffeltii ‘Black Star’
Fittonia ‘Angel Snow’
Fittonia ‘Josan’
Fittonia ‘Pink Star’ 
Fittonia ‘Mini Superba’
Fittonia ‘Titanic’

Varieties of Fittonia

The Ultimate Guide to Caring for Fittonia

  • Fittonias were named after their 19th century botanist discoverers, Elizabeth and Sarah May Fitton – family dream team!
  • When Fittonias bloom – often in the wild – their flowery-spikes are very shy and blend in with their surrounding foliage.
  • Their contrasting veins come in a variety of colours, including white, silver, pink, red and purple.
  • When Fittonias are dry, they can get very dramatic and “faint”, but they’ll perk up soon after they’re watered. We’re not suggesting you do this a lot, but it can be a fun party trick to show-off to your non-plant-owning friends.
Plant Care Tips
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Care Level

Fittonias can be tricky to grow – they’re somewhere in the middle because they need high, constant humidity, and they’re very sensitive to direct sunlight. They may wilt quickly if growing in stagnant conditions – but there’s hope yet – they have a reputation of bouncing back quickly.

PlantCar Sun
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Fittonias are tropical plants, so they do best in bright, indirect light. They’re very sensitive to direct sunlight, so if you’re placing it near a window, make sure you have a curtain to filter out the light. Fittonias can tolerate low-light conditions as well, but it won’t be as vibrant, so you’re really relegating it to playing a secondary role: the best friend. 

PlantCare water
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Fittonias will wilt very quickly if you let them dry out in between waterings. You can’t neglect Fittonias too much – they should always be in appropriately moist soil. Not too moist, but not too dry, so “barely moist” – is your head hurting yet? If their leaves start crisping, that could be a sign your Fittonia needs more water or a more humid environment.

Plant Care Tips
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Fittonias hail from Peru, so they crave humidity. Keeping them in the bathroom with enough light or a kitchen windowsill are good options. They’re popular in terrariums since the enclosed space and neighbouring plant buddies can dial the humiditiy up. Consider pairing Fittonias with a humidifier, placing them on top of pebble trays submerged in water, taking them with you to the shower (again, do not physically shower with it), and you should mist regularly.

Plant Care Tips
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Fittoniasthrive in 18 to 30°C conditions. Keep them away from cold drafts.  

plantCare pets
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Pretty and non-toxic?! *Chefs kiss*

Plant Care Tips
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Care Level

Fittonias can be tricky to grow – they’re somewhere in the middle because they need high, constant humidity, and they’re very sensitive to direct sunlight. They may wilt quickly if growing in stagnant conditions – but there’s hope yet – they have a reputation of bouncing back quickly.

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The rating of this product for "" is 2.


Fittonias are tropical plants, so they do best in bright, indirect light. They’re very sensitive to direct sunlight, so if you’re placing it near a window, make sure you have a curtain to filter out the light. Fittonias can tolerate low-light conditions as well, but it won’t be as vibrant, so you’re really relegating it to playing a secondary role: the best friend. 

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The rating of this product for "" is 3.


Fittonias will wilt very quickly if you let them dry out in between waterings. You can’t neglect Fittonias too much – they should always be in appropriately moist soil. Not too moist, but not too dry, so “barely moist” – is your head hurting yet? If their leaves start crisping, that could be a sign your Fittonia needs more water or a more humid environment.

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The rating of this product for "" is 4.


Fittonias hail from Peru, so they crave humidity. Keeping them in the bathroom with enough light or a kitchen windowsill are good options. They’re popular in terrariums since the enclosed space and neighbouring plant buddies can dial the humiditiy up. Consider pairing Fittonias with a humidifier, placing them on top of pebble trays submerged in water, taking them with you to the shower (again, do not physically shower with it), and you should mist regularly.

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The rating of this product for "" is 4.


Fittoniasthrive in 18 to 30°C conditions. Keep them away from cold drafts.  

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The rating of this product for "" is 4.


Pretty and non-toxic?! *Chefs kiss*