So here's the deets. The Monstera, a Swiss Cheese plant, is one of nature's coolest. It's native to Central America and the Brazilian rain forest and famous for its large leaves and natural leaf-holes. These lacy holes and notches in the leaves aren't just unusual, but also pretty useful in nature. They make sure it's resistant to storms; the rain and wind simply blows through the leaves. The name Monstera literally means “delicious monster", probably due to the fact that in the wild, it bears incredibly rich fruit that tastes like a combination of strawberries, passion fruit, mango, and pineapple. It's also ideal if you prefer low-maintenance house plants. It’s quite resilient, and would survive if you forget to water it every once in a while. Something we guarantee you will do.
Monstera Types
Monstera Adansonii, Swiss Cheese
Monstera Deliciosa
Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma, Mini Monstera