Spiders?! RUN! Oh, Spider Plants – not to be confused for real spiders – are a classic indoor plant native to the coastal areas of South Africa. They get their name from their – you guessed it – spider-looking spiderettes. They’re part of the Spider plant that emerges and dangle from their mother plant like – you guessed it again – spiders on a web. Spider plants are considered one of the most popular houseplants thanks to their easy propagation and ability to thrive in a range of conditions. Adaptable, bushy and beautiful, Spider plants’ cascading foliage are usually housed in a hanging pot, and they’re able to withstand a lot of your abuse, neglect and existential dread. Their white- and green-striped leaves can extend up to 1.5 feet long – and when they’re happy – they’ll grow long stems that bear small, star-shaped flowers.
Spider Plant Types
Spider Plant 'Bonnie'
Spider Plant 'Hawaiian
Spider Plant laxum 'Zebra Grass'
Spider Plant Variegated Ocean
Spider Plant Ocean
Spider Plant 'Bonnie Variegated'