Foxglove Flower Seeds Packet


Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea) is a striking biennial or short-lived perennial flower known for its tall spikes of tubular, bell-shaped blossoms. These beautiful and elegant flowers are commonly found in cottage gardens, wildflower meadows, and woodland edges. Foxgloves come in shades of purple, pink, white, and yellow, with speckled throats that attract bees and hummingbirds. While visually stunning, it's important to note that all parts of the plant are toxic if ingested. These stunning and easy-to-grow addition to gardens, offering dramatic height, pollinator benefits, and visual interest. While care must be taken due to their toxicity, they remain a beloved choice for woodland gardens, cottage gardens, and borders.
Product Detail
  • Plant Type: Biennial (self-seeder)
  • Genus: Digitalis
  • Species: Purpurea
  • Plant Height/Width: 36-48" tall
  • Season: Late spring to midsummer
  • Exposure: Full Sun, Half Sun / Half Shade
  • Difficulty: Easy

When to start?

  • 10-12 weeks before planting outside.
  • If direct sow the start as soon as soil can be worked.

Where to start and how to sow?

  • Direct sow (recommended): sow in average soil in full sun or light shade after danger of frost. In frost-free areas, sow from fall to early spring. Choose a location where vigorous plants can be easily controlled, such as in containers or a raised bed.
  • Start Indoors: Sow catnip seeds indoors 4-8 weeks before the last frost in spring.

How to keep happy?

  • No fertilizer requirements if planted in organically rich soil. But you can use a 5-10-5 slow release fertilizer in spring to ensure lots of blooms.


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Cut the Center Stalk

Cut the center flower stalk back after flowering for a chance for additional flower stalks to develop later in the season. Plants might need to be staked.

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The rating of this product for "" is 4.

Cut the Center Stalk

Cut the center flower stalk back after flowering for a chance for additional flower stalks to develop later in the season. Plants might need to be staked.

The Brief and Glorious History of the Purple Peas

Foxglove, steeped in folklore, was believed by Celts to be worn by fairies as gloves, inspiring its name. Despite its allure, foxglove is toxic if consumed. Its leaves contain cardiac glycosides, pivotal in heart ailment remedies. Digoxin, a potent drug derived from foxglove, persists as a cornerstone in contemporary cardiac treatment.

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