Pink Rose Balsam Flower Seeds Packet


The Pink Rose Balsam (Impatiens balsamina), also known as Garden Balsam, is a stunning, old-fashioned annual flower cherished for its rose-like blossoms and easy-to-grow nature. This plant brings charm and vibrancy to flower beds, borders, and containers. It thrives in warm climates and attracts pollinators such as bees and butterflies. The Pink Rose Balsam Flower is a delightful, easy-to-grow annual that brings lush, rose-like blooms to any garden. Whether grown for landscape beauty, pollinators, or cut flowers, its vibrant color and long bloom season make it a gardener’s favorite.
Product Detail
  • Plant Type: Annual
  • Plant Height/Width: up to 30" tall
  • Season: Blooms late spring until frost
  • Exposure: Part Shade
  • Difficulty: Easy

When to start?

  • sow once temps exceed 50 degrees

Where to start and how to sow?

  • Start indoors (recommended) planting indoors, warm soil helps germination. Use a heating mat to keep the temperature between 60-70ºF. Keep seeds moist until they germinate in 14 to 21 days. Once the seedlings are a few inches tall and have several true leaves, they can be transplanted outdoors. To reduce transplant shock, take time to harden off your balsam seedlings.
  • Directly sow: in the garden once temperatures exceed 50ºF. Plant balsam seeds 1/8” deep

How to keep happy?

  • Space balsam plants 8 to 12 inches apart. The plants will grow 12 to 16 inches high. Impatiens should be planted in humus-rich, moist, well-draining soil

Pink Rose Balsam

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Use a drip line

To keep powdery mildew at bay, water Balsam plants at the root. Utilize a drip line or garden hose for watering. In summer, hydrate when the topsoil appears dry. For container or hanging gardens, water Balsam plants regularly, but make sure to avoid wetting the leaves.

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Use a drip line

To keep powdery mildew at bay, water Balsam plants at the root. Utilize a drip line or garden hose for watering. In summer, hydrate when the topsoil appears dry. For container or hanging gardens, water Balsam plants regularly, but make sure to avoid wetting the leaves.

The Brief and Glorious History of the Purple Peas

In Asia, these plants serve as multi-purpose beauty aids, dyeing hair, nails, and even hands and feet. Moreover, Asian traditional medicine values their stems, leaves, and seed oil for improving blood circulation and alleviating pain and sore throats. The name "Impatiens" and "Touch-Me-Not" offer intriguing insights into the flower's nature. Once the flowers fade, they produce seed pods eagerly waiting to burst and scatter seeds. Handling them post-drying requires caution; even a breeze can trigger their explosion. So, unless you're ready to sow seeds, it's best to heed their name—"touch-me-not."

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