France collection launched today, just in time for Valentine's Day.

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Ceramic Flowers France Curated Collections
From $86.40 $108.00
Collection 1 Collection 2 Collection 3 Collection 4 Collection 5 Collection 6 Collection 7 Collection 8 Collection 9 Collection 10 Collection 11 Collection 12 Collection 13 Collection 14 Collection 15 Collection 16 Collection 17 Collection 18 Collection 19 Collection 20 + 17 more

English Garden Curated Collection

The English Garden Collection emerged the way most pretentious things do - through obsessive perfectionism and a dash of superiority complex. Nineteen ceramic flowers, each one vetted more thoroughly than a Supreme Court nominee, stand ready to validate your social status. The kind of flowers that would make your grandmother's prize-winning dahlias pack up and move to a retirement home in shame.

Japan Curated Collection

Picture an artisan's workshop in Kyoto, where delicate ceramic petals emerge like secrets from the kiln. Twenty exquisite arrangements found their way into delighted hands last year - each one a whispered conversation between traditional Japanese blooms. Cherry blossoms nestled against porcelain peonies, while miniature lotus flowers danced with crystalline chrysanthemums. The beauty lies not just in their pristine perfection, but in how easily new flowers can join this carefully curated symphony, as if they were meant to be there all along. Much like that one aunt who shows up uninvited to family gatherings but somehow makes everything better.

Coastal Curated Collection

Everyone else seemed to be mastering the art of wall-mounted ceramic blooms in 2024, triggering a serious case of FOMO among the decor-challenged masses. Yet even the most spatially inept homeowner could manage these foolproof bouquets. Like paint-by-numbers for the Pinterest generation, these curated collections arrived pre-planned, ready to transform bare walls into botanical galleries. The trend spread faster than gossip at a small-town garden club, with each pristine petal placement promising domestic redemption.