Ficus - Chive Plant Studio
All you need to know about

How to care
for your Ficus



Native to the tropics, including Asia, America and Africa, the Ficus belongs to the fig genus with hundreds of Ficus species out there. A mainstay in many offices and homes because they look like a typical tree with a trunk and canopy, the Ficus is also commonly called the Ficus Tree, Weeping Fig and Fig Tree – yes, the latter being the one that produces the fruit. Regardless of their size, they’ll always maintain their ‘tree-like’ appearance with dark and/or variegated foliage. Ficuses add a splash of colour and lushness to any home, but you’ll want to be mindful when you’re shopping for Ficuses since they have a reputation for being finnicky house plants. They shed leaves at the very first sign of stress, which can be very off-putting for someone who doesn’t like to break out their broom and dustpan too often. 

Ficus Types

Ficus Lyrata Dwarf Bambino
Ficus Benghalensis, Audrey
Ficus Elastica Ruby, Rubber Plant
Ficus Elastica Burgundy, Rubber Plant
Ficus Elastica Tineke, Rubber Plant
Ficus Pumila 'Bellus', Creeping Fig
Ficus Lyrata Column aka Fiddle Leaf Fig
Ficus Benjamina 'Starlight', Weeping Fig

Varieties of Ficus

The Ultimate Guide to Caring for Ficus

  • The famous Bodhi tree under which Buddha achieved enlightenment was a Ficus Religiosa – a bit on the nose, eh?
  • The Ficus Audrey (Ficus Benghalensis) is the national tree of India.
  • Have you ever wondered why the Ficus Lyrata is called the Fiddle Leaf Fig plant? Yes? Good – we have the answer: the plant gets its name from the violin-like shaped leaves that remind you of a fiddle… or reminded someone of a fiddle.
  • Ficus Elastica and paintings of Ficus Elastica recur throughout the Margaret Atwood’s Cat's Eye – someone clearly liked her houseplant.
  • Bobby Berk or Netflix’s Queer Eye revealed in a video that the big plant everyone keeps asking him about in his home is a Fiddle Leaf Fig, and subsequently revealed to Apartment Therapy that his favourite plant is NOT a Fiddle Leaf Fig, but a Ficus Audrey.
Plant Care Tips
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Care Level

Ficus land in the middle, demanding specific care. Sensitive to stress, they require consistent conditions: light, warmth, humidity, and care against pests. Experienced growers with ideal conditions will fare well.

PlantCar Sun
Plant Care Tips
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To keep your Ficus healthy, avoid direct sunlight and opt for indirect light. Green varieties need ample light to prevent leggy growth. Variegated types require bright, indirect light to maintain their markings. Rotate regularly for even growth and dust leaves to optimize photosynthesis.

PlantCare water
Plant Care Tips
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Allow your Ficus’ top 2” of its soil to be dry before you give it a thorough watering. You’ll want to water evenly throughout the summer and reduce its watering schedule in the winter. Since we’ve established Ficuses are a bit finnicky – if its leaves drop it can be an indicator of under or overwatering … or the other host of reasons mentioned above.

Plant Care Tips
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Ficus thrive in relatively higher humidity. Regular misting or setting the Ficus tree on a pebble tray filled with water is a great way to increase their humidity. 

Plant Care Tips
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Ficus are warm-bloods – they really don’t like lower temperature or cold drafts. You’ll want to keep your Ficus in a room that’s between 16-21°C.

plantCare pets
Plant Care Tips
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Ficusemit a toxic sap that can activate allergic and dermatitis reactions: itchy eyes, wheezing, coughing, skin irritation, stinging, redness. So, while they’re just a nuisance to humans (if the skin irritation lasts more than a few minutes – seek medical attention), they are poisonous to pets. Sorry kits and pups.

Plant Care Tips
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The rating of this product for "" is 4.

Care Level

Ficus land in the middle, demanding specific care. Sensitive to stress, they require consistent conditions: light, warmth, humidity, and care against pests. Experienced growers with ideal conditions will fare well.

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The rating of this product for "" is 2.


To keep your Ficus healthy, avoid direct sunlight and opt for indirect light. Green varieties need ample light to prevent leggy growth. Variegated types require bright, indirect light to maintain their markings. Rotate regularly for even growth and dust leaves to optimize photosynthesis.

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The rating of this product for "" is 3.


Allow your Ficus’ top 2” of its soil to be dry before you give it a thorough watering. You’ll want to water evenly throughout the summer and reduce its watering schedule in the winter. Since we’ve established Ficuses are a bit finnicky – if its leaves drop it can be an indicator of under or overwatering … or the other host of reasons mentioned above.

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The rating of this product for "" is 4.


Ficus thrive in relatively higher humidity. Regular misting or setting the Ficus tree on a pebble tray filled with water is a great way to increase their humidity. 

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Rating of 5 means .
The rating of this product for "" is 4.


Ficus are warm-bloods – they really don’t like lower temperature or cold drafts. You’ll want to keep your Ficus in a room that’s between 16-21°C.

Rating of 1 means .
Rating of 5 means .
The rating of this product for "" is 4.


Ficusemit a toxic sap that can activate allergic and dermatitis reactions: itchy eyes, wheezing, coughing, skin irritation, stinging, redness. So, while they’re just a nuisance to humans (if the skin irritation lasts more than a few minutes – seek medical attention), they are poisonous to pets. Sorry kits and pups.