Native to the tropics, including Asia, America and Africa, the Ficus belongs to the fig genus with hundreds of Ficus species out there. A mainstay in many offices and homes because they look like a typical tree with a trunk and canopy, the Ficus is also commonly called the Ficus Tree, Weeping Fig and Fig Tree – yes, the latter being the one that produces the fruit. Regardless of their size, they’ll always maintain their ‘tree-like’ appearance with dark and/or variegated foliage. Ficuses add a splash of colour and lushness to any home, but you’ll want to be mindful when you’re shopping for Ficuses since they have a reputation for being finnicky house plants. They shed leaves at the very first sign of stress, which can be very off-putting for someone who doesn’t like to break out their broom and dustpan too often.
Ficus Types
Ficus Lyrata Dwarf Bambino
Ficus Benghalensis, Audrey
Ficus Elastica Ruby, Rubber Plant
Ficus Elastica Burgundy, Rubber Plant
Ficus Elastica Tineke, Rubber Plant
Ficus Pumila 'Bellus', Creeping Fig
Ficus Lyrata Column aka Fiddle Leaf Fig
Ficus Benjamina 'Starlight', Weeping Fig