Spiderflower Flower Seeds Packet


The Spider Flower (Cleome hassleriana), known for its delicate, spider-like blooms, is a stunning annual that adds height and charm to gardens. Native to South America, this plant is loved for its tall, airy structure, vibrant colors, and long-lasting blooms. The flowers attract pollinators such as bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds, making them an excellent choice for wildlife-friendly gardens. The Spider Flower is a stunning, easy-to-grow annual that adds height, color, and pollinator appeal to any garden. With its unique, spider-like blooms, it thrives in full sun and well-drained soil, making it low-maintenance and drought-tolerant once established.
Product Detail
  • Plant Type: Annual (self-seeder)
  • Genus: Cleome
  • Species: Spinosa
  • Plant Height/Width: 36-60' TALL
  • Season: Blooms late spring to first frost
  • Exposure: Full Sun
  • Difficulty: Easy

When to start?

  • plant after the last frost in spring.

Where to start and how to sow?

  • Direct sow: While not required, cleome seeds can benefit from special 7 to 14 day treatment called cold stratification prior to planting them. Cleome seeds require light to germinate, so be careful not to cover them when planting. Seeds should be planted 1/8th inch deep and left uncovered. Space 3 inches between seeds, and space 18 inches between rows. Thin to 18 to 24 inches apart when plants are 3 inches tall.
  • Started indoors: can be transplanted at 21 to 25 days.

How to keep happy?

Cleomes thrive in average garden soil or rich, well-drained loam. With good soil and mulch, they don't require additional fertilizer.


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Pinch off the first blossom to promote bushier growth. This encourages multiple blooms and prevents the plant from becoming too leggy. Keep doing this throughout the season for a bushy plant with multiple flowers.

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Pinch off the first blossom to promote bushier growth. This encourages multiple blooms and prevents the plant from becoming too leggy. Keep doing this throughout the season for a bushy plant with multiple flowers.

The Brief and Glorious History of the Purple Peas

Cleome, renowned for its significance of pride and courage, is not merely a visual delight but also a powerhouse of antioxidants with edible seeds suitable for culinary ventures. Originating from South America, including Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay, this captivating plant has a rich history in traditional medicine. Its leaves and seeds have been utilized for various ailments, ranging from digestive issues to skin conditions, owing to its potent antioxidant properties. Cleome's seeds are not only safe for consumption but also add a pleasant taste to salads or baked goods. Additionally, Cleome enjoys the advantage of not being a preferred food source for deer, ensuring its unhindered growth in gardens without the threat of being consumed by herbivores.

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