Pothos Jade 4 Inch Pot

Devil's Ivy indoor houseplant

14-Day Chive Guarantee + Lifetime Support
Pothos: The Godzilla you want in your indoor empire! A Beyoncé wannabe, unleashing sass and oxygen anthems. With air-purifying prowess and propagation tricks that make other plants applaud, Pothos is the diva of indoor supremacy. Witness your neighbors' jealousy and your SEO bask in the green glow. Repot, accessorize, and let Pothos conquer – because Pothos believes it's the true ruler of your indoor kingdom!
Plant Care Overview
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Light: Low to bright indirect
  • Water: Wait for the soil to dry out completely before watering
  • Pet Friendly: NOT Fur Friendly
What You're Getting

Default Nursery Pot or Upgrade to a Chic Chive Pot

Our plants come in the standard nursery pot unless you opt for one of our snazzy Chive pots. Keep in mind, each plant is a unique snowflake—size, shape, and quirks may vary. We do our best to deliver a plant that resembles the online glam shot and will thrive in your home, but perfection is a tall order.

Local Delivery

Pick Up for Free or Get it Delivered Same-Day

For fourteen bucks, we'll deliver your new leafy friend across Toronto—cheaper than therapy, pricier than a TTC fare. Or schlep to our Queen West shop, where the air is thick with oxygen and the quiet desperation of millennials seeking purpose through plant parenthood.

For those with botanical FOMO, our same-day delivery hotline awaits (437-777-5021). Just ring up our sleep-deprived plant pushers, ready to enable your chlorophyll addiction at a moment's notice.

Visit us at the shop

All Our Online Plants Are Hanging Out at Our Downtown Toronto Store Too

Yearning for a taste of horticultural enlightenment? Drag your carbon-based form to our Queen St. West sanctuary of sap and soil. Here, nestled between overpriced coffee shops and vintage stores selling someone's grandfather's suits, we dispense leafy wisdom like modern-day Druids. We're not just plant peddlers; we're chlorophyll cognoscenti, the Mensa of mulch, if you will. Come, let us dazzle you with our botanical brilliance. We're smarter than Google, if Google had roots.


702 Queen St. W.,
Toronto, ON M6J 1E7

We are open for in-store shopping

Mon to Thurs: 12pm - 7pm
Fri to Sun: 11am - 7pm

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Pro Indoor Plant Care Tip

Pothos is a Category II invasive exotic in Florida and should not be planted in outdoor landscapes. Kinda cool tidbit.

Neon Pothos 8 Inch Pot - Chive Plant Studio - Plants - Chive Studio 2024
Indoor Plant Care Guide:

How to take care of your Pothos

Care Level: Easy

My sister thrust a plant at me, proclaiming, "Even you can't kill this one." I eyed it suspiciously, recalling the Great Fern Fiasco of '98. But this leafy fellow had a certain je ne sais quoi, a will to live that bordered on the manic. I named it Lazarus, for obvious reasons. Weeks passed, and despite my best efforts to neglect it into oblivion, it thrived. It survived overwatering, underwatering, and that time I accidentally spritzed it with glass cleaner. Now, Lazarus and I have an understanding: it pretends I'm a competent plant parent, and I pretend not to notice its superhuman resilience.

Sun Light: Indirect

Lucky you! Your plant gets to play vampire - no direct sun gazing allowed, darling. But don't worry, it's not a total recluse. Early bird or night owl? Both work! For the drama queen in your plant, try a sheer curtain filter - très chic. Most homes are basically plant paparazzi-free zones anyway. Just find that sweet spot where your leafy diva can bask in the limelight without getting a sunburn. Bright, indirect light is the plant equivalent of perfect mood lighting. Your peace lily will be living its best life, sans sunglasses!

Light: Bright

Your plant's got a taste for the spotlight. A swYouranky window sill or a VIP stool next to the window? Perfect! It's like a front-row seat to the sun's daily show. Blinds or no blinds? Well, that depends on how much of a sun worshipper your green diva is. Just remember, darling, these leafy celebrities are real attention seekers - they'll literally grow towards the light. It's like they're trying to get closer to their adoring fans. Who knew plants could be such drama queens, right? But hey, give them their 15 minutes of fame, and they'll flourish!

Water: When half way dry

what a delightful little water connoisseur you've got there! This green gem prefers its soil on the drier side - think of it as a spa day for roots. A week between drinks is usually perfect, but who doesn't love a bit of flexibility? Just keep an eye out for those adorable droopy leaves - that's your plant's charming way of saying "Hydration, please!" Brighter spots might make it a tad thirstier, while shadier nooks turn it into a water-sipping master. Remember, a touch of thirst keeps your leafy friend robust and thriving. Happy plant, happy life!

Humidity: High

Well, aren't these leafy divas just living their best tropical fantasy? A daily mist is their version of a luxury spa treatment - talk about high maintenance! If you're feeling fancy, why not throw in a personal humidifier? It's like a full-time butler for your plant's atmospheric needs. Don't fret if you can't keep up with their humidity demands though. They won't dramatically wilt away, but they might sport some fashionably crunchy leaf edges - think of it as the plant equivalent of a bad hair day. Embrace the drama, darling!

Interaction with Pets: Caution

Oh, look at you, being all responsible with your green friends! Sure, these plants might throw a little tantrum in your pet's tummy if nibbled, but let's be real - we survived the pre-internet era with pets and plants coexisting just fine. It's not like your leafy pals are plotting world domination through pet poisoning!

If your furry friend isn't typically a salad connoisseur, you're probably in the clear. Besides, have you seen what's lurking in your garden? Azaleas and English ivy are practically the bad boys of the plant world compared to your indoor darlings.

So relax, plant parent! Just keep an eye out and maybe don't serve up a Peperomia smoothie to Fluffy, okay? After all, we want your home to be a jungle, not a drama zone!


Florida - that dangling appendage of America, forever teetering on the brink of ecological disaster. It's a place where alligators roam golf courses and pythons throw pool parties in the Everglades. And now, enter the pothos - nature's own little green terrorist, apparently.

The Sunshine State, in its infinite wisdom, has declared this innocuous-looking vine a Category II invasive exotic. One can almost picture the emergency meetings: stern-faced botanists hunched over maps, plotting defense strategies against the creeping green menace.

But wouldn't it be a hoot to unleash an army of well-meaning, slightly unhinged plant enthusiasts upon the state? Picture them, trowels in hand, fanny packs stuffed with pothos cuttings, ready to wage guerrilla warfare on the manicured lawns of Miami. A hundred thousand pothos, strategically placed from Pensacola to Key West.

The results? Who knows! Maybe the entire state would be swallowed up in a verdant apocalypse. Or perhaps Florida would finally achieve its true form - a lush, tropical paradise where houses peek out from beneath cascading curtains of heart-shaped leaves. Either way, it'd make for one hell of a postcard.

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