Potted Snake Plant Black Coral 4” in Virago E


Dark vibes and low maintenance, Snake Plant Black Coral potted in a Virago pot is perfect for those who prefer their plants with a touch of edge and a whole lot of style. Embrace your inner darkness and let this plant bring some drama to your space.


What is included?

1 x 4" Snake Plant Black Coral

1 x 5" Virago E Pot with saucer

1 x Potting service

*Plant will be pre-potted into the pot

Basic Tips To Help Me Thrive

Care Level



Moderate to bright indirect light.


Water only when the soil is thoroughly dry


Keep away from pets that like to chew on leaves

Sansevieria Family

Sansevieria, likely one of the first house plants you’ll encounter in people’s windowless bathrooms, is native to the deserts of Africa and Southern Asia. There are around 70 species of Sansevieria, also commonly known as “mother-in-law’s tongue” or “snake plant” due to their shape, margin of its leaves, resilience, and their ability to make you feel like a terrible plant child when you neglect them, don’t call them, or forget to water them. They’re also one of the few plants that release oxygen at night rather than in the day – so maybe keep one on your nightstand instead of your aromatherapy essential oils. 

Sansevierias make for the perfect gift for those with no plant experience – they come in a variety of shapes, sizes and colours. FYI – the ones seen in the market are often the trifasciata species because they grow much faster compared to their non-commercially grown species. So, if you’re on a mission to catch all 70 of ‘em like you do Pokémon, then you’re in for a real treat – just look both ways before crossing the street, thx!

Chive Flower Pots:

Beyond Ordinary

Why settle for garden-variety when you can have Chive Flower pots? We don't follow trends; we set them! Our pots are so out-of-the-box that the box itself gets jealous. Join the cool kids' club of unconventional plant lovers and let your greens rock the runway.

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